“Route of Kleosthenis 2021” – “CISM International Symposium 2021” Edition


For 2021, the CISM International Symposium was held at the facilities of the International Olympic Academy in Ancient Olympia. 140 countries participate in the CISM.

On Friday, November 5, the works of the second day was completed at 16:30 with the speech of Mr. Konstantinos Kontogiannis from the Federation of Olympia on the topic “The Route of Truce – Bridging the Ancient with the Modern”.
Mr. Kontogiannis presented in detail the projects and actions of the Organization, emphasized their cultural character and presented the organization’s vision for the coming years.

Immediately after, the delegates of the Symposium were transferred to Ancient Pisa, where the start of the Route of Kleosthenis took place.

The Road of Kleosthenis from Pisa to Ancient Olympia took place this year for the first time in September during the Route of Truce events, and is dedicated to the King of Pisa Kleosthenis, one of the 3 who agreed to the Olympic Truce (along with Ifitos the king of Ilida and Lycurgus of Sparta).

The event was opened by the little priestesses from Zacharo of the “En Horo” group in uniforms from Ms. Emilias Yiannopoulou.

The runners were welcomed with a small speech from the Deputy Mayor of Ancient Olympia, Mr. Haris Spiliopoulos, the president of Pisa, Mr. Sofoklis Sofianopoulos, and the president of the Federation of of Olympia, Ms. Sofia Hintziou Kontogianni.

Then the young priestesses symbolically handed over to CISM president Brigadier General Herve Piccirillo and ASAED Director Captain (O) Spyros Andriopoulos a wild olive branch, an eternal symbol of peace from Ancient Olympia, thus bridging the ancient with the modern.

The greetings ended with CISM president Mr. Piccirillo and the runners started the symbolic road.

The participants started from Pisa, passed by the ancient stadium and finished at the DOA facilities all together with raised hands holding an olive branch, highlighting the CISM motto

“Friendship through sport”.


Video of the presentation:

Short video of the event:

Long video of the event: