Date: ………..
Start – Start Time: Agripidochori Square, at ……………
Finish – Arrival Time: Ancient Ilida …………. (they will arrive at the wooden theater of Ilida)

Registrations are not open yet.

Before the start of the run will be preceded by the symbolic “Laying down of arms” in the same area as the start of the run.

Within the form you will also see in detail the buses of the organization that will serve the transportation of the runners for The Route of Hercules. (From Athens-Korinthos-Patra and also local)

We remind you that this course is NOT competitive and all participants move almost together.

According to tradition in ancient times, anyone who arrived armed at the “sanctuary of Zeus” Elis was obliged to deposit his weapons at the country’s borders and take them back when he left. In fact, while the Olympic Games lasted, all hostilities and wars had to stop. The games were dedicated to the father of the Gods and values such as “Eu Agonizesthai” and noble rivalry were emphasized. In support of these, the prize was not some valuable material good but an unnecessary wild olive branch, the kotinos.

This year, as in 2016 (in Ilida) and in 2020 (in Agrapidochori), in the square of Agrapidochori, two “ancient warriors” will lay down their weapons and receive from priestesses an olive branch, an eternal symbol of peace and of the ancient Olympics Games. They, in turn, will hand them over to the heralds who will lead the 2nd Route of Hercules (from the square of Agrapidochorio to Ancient Ilida).

The route is dedicated to Hercules, the founder of the ancient Olympic Games according to legend.

You can see the map and more information about the route HERE.

Table with arrival times in each village:

(The times are indicative, they will change when the date and time of The Route of Hercules 2028 is announced)















Μεγάλο βίντεο του Δρόμου του Ηρακλή 2020:

Η Συμβολική Εναπόθεση του Οπλισμού 2020: